Public Administration

Modes of study / Info Pack

  • Regular/part time - 8 semesters - Info Pack


This program is in the process of accreditation due to expiration of the previous accreditation.


The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.


The Bachelor's Degree preparation provides wide-profile functional knowledge in four basic areas: management, economics, law and political sciences as well as development of skills and abilities for identification and analysis of problems in social processes and phenomena; for communication and interaction with the public, the civil organizations, political structures, media; group interaction and work in teams for culture of administrative service.

The educational qualification degree "Bachelor" in this speciality is the most suitable education for a job in the units of central and local administration of expert and inspector posts.

The training is accomplished through contemporary methods, with interactive forms, with the application of multi-media, video films, simulations, etc. During the seminars practical cases and situations are solved; role games are used as well.

During the training there is a practice in the central and territory administration of the executive power.

The introduction of the credit system makes the students competitive and makes their mobility easier in the framework of the European Union and other countries.

Full-time students learn 24 compulsory disciplines with a total number of 2040 academic hours. During their studies they learn one of the suggested 28 optional disciplines with a number of hours 360, total - 2400 hours.

Part-time students learn 24 compulsory disciplines with a total number of 1100 academic hours. During their studies they learn 8 of the suggested 24 optional disciplines with a total number of 240 academic hours - 1340.

GRADUATION FORMS - state examinations on "Public law sciences" and "Management of public activity".