Computer Systems and Technologies

Modes of study / Info Pack


The accreditation of this program is until 2023 .


The education is performed by Faculty of Engineering.


1. Specifics and prospects.

Graduates are prepared for a career in one of the most promising technical areas, related to the use and implementation of computer systems and technologies in all fields of economic activity of the country - industry, public and private business, health, transport, banking, communications, ecology, education, services and others.

2. Educational mission

The purpose of the programme Computer systems and technologies is to provide a system of fundamental knowledge and skills that are relevant to today's rapidly evolving computer systems and technologies. Graduated Bachelor of Computer systems and technologies should independently improve his/her knowledge and skills, should command basic computer tools and technologies, have the necessary competence and professionalism to analyze, build, integrate and implement computer systems.

This aim can be achieved by providing:

  • fundamental knowledge in electric engineering, electronics, computer technologies;
  • special knowledge, that form wide-profile professional and practical knowledge and skills on: operating systems, synthesis and analysis of algorithms, computer peripherals and interfaces, databases, microprocessor equipment, optical communication systems, sensors and sensor networks, technologies in Internet, applications for mobile operating systems, computer networks, network and information security, specialized computer systems, multimedia technologies and others

A special feature of the programme is the wide practical training which guarantees students' successful professional realization.

3. Basis for receiving good training in the subject

The education in Computer systems and technologies is consistent with international experience and analysis of the curricula of similar courses at local and foreign universities.

The undergraduate programme is in correspondence with the country's requirements for future jobs, the new tendencies in the development of computer systems and technologies and educational technologies. The academic staff in the department consists of 6 professors, 18 associate professors, 10 PhD holders and 6 assistant professors.

4. Employment perspectives

Graduates in Computer systems and technologies can be realized in all private, corporate and public companies, public administration, security and defense, whose business is in telecommunications, computer and information technologies, manufacturing, service, engineering, installation and service, sales and distribution, maintenance and administration of equipment and networks, as head of the teams in positions requiring higher education in this specialty. They can continue their education in PhD programs.