The accreditation of this program is until 2025 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Graduates received Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Ecology
and Environmental Protection, can successfully realize themselves
as scientists in scientific and educational institutions and as
experts in environmental protection in different administrations
(state, regional and municipal), production companies and service
offices. They could perform various tasks in the field of ecology
and environmental protection:
- Participate in working out programmes, projects, plans for
environmental management and protection;
- Perform ecological monitoring on a local, regional or national
- Make Environment impact assessments and expertise;
- Study and analyze the environmental quality and the condition
of natural and man-made communities and ecosystems.
Graduates received BSc degree in Ecology and Environmental
Protection could successfully continue their education in higher
degrees (Master of Science and PhD) in Bulgaria and abroad.