The accreditation of this program is until 2025 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Pedagogy.
The specialty «Primary School Pedagogy and Foreign Language» is
aimed at training and qualification of teachers in the initial
stage of the basic educational level according to the existing
needs for professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills and
competencies that make up the overall structure of professional
pedagogical competence. The specialty "Primary Education and
Foreign Language" meets modern requirements and expectations of the
public about the complex activities related to training, education,
socialization and development of students in the primary grades.
The developed training documentation of the program is in line with
the latest trends in the content and procedural and technological
improvement of primary education, taking into account the
international experience and the preservation of national
traditions and achievements in education and upbringing of the
modern student.
Specialty training studies last for 4 years (8 semesters). The
structure of the curriculum includes compulsory, elective and
optional subjects /facultative disciplines/. The compulsory
subjects provide the basic building taught courses to prepare
students and is related to acquiring knowledge from different
fields of scientific knowledge (pedagogy, psychology, philosophy,
sociology, linguistics). Important place in the overall preparation
in the specialty take didactic and special methodical problems.
Elective courses enable the taught courses and specialized
training in the specialty to be expanded and upgraded. Optional
courses /Facultative disciplines/ provide opportunities to enrich
the knowledge, skills and competencies of students depending on the
focus of their interests.
Students who successfully complete their training in the
specialty "Primary Education and Foreign Language" by degree
"Bachelor" acquire professional qualification "teacher, primary
school teacher and primary foreign language teacher." They are
prepared to implement professional learning and educational
activities at the initial stage of the basic education level of
general educational, specialized and profiled schools and as well
as to implement the appropriate foreign language training.
Completed Bachelor degree on specialty "Primary Education
and Foreign Language" have the following career opportunity:
primary school teacher, foreign language teacher in the initial
stage of the basic education level, teacher-educator in primary
school; educator in school institutions for children; teaching
foreign language in extracurricular activities; teacher in schools
working with children; teaching foreign language in the public
education system's service units; an expert consultant in various
institutions involved in the problems of children of primary school
Graduate Bachelor "teacher, primary school teacher and primary
foreign language teacher" have opportunity to specialize in various
forms of postgraduate and extended education, continuing education
in degree "Master".