The accreditation of this program is until 2024 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.
Training of PhD students in scientific specialty "International
Law and International Relations" Law and History Faculty of the
Southwestern University "Neofit Rilski" - Blagoevgrad meets the
current trends in the development of science in the field of a PhD
programme. Regarding this a few basic goals and tasks related to
the training program are formulated:
- Priority objective in the preparation of cadres is acquiring
educational and scientific degree "doctor";
- Addressing the specific needs of the Law and History Faculty,
in particular the Department of "International Law and
International Relations" for development of personnel through
training of qualified cadres;
- Topicality of the programmes based in the scientific
- Preparation of cadres who will be competitive in the
application of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
specialized areas;
- Stimulating scientific researches (as a team and
- Assimilation of knowledge, skills and experience needed to work
in a dynamic environment which defines international law and
international relations;
- High quality of the PhD programmes, complemented with
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes;
- Competitiveness of the PhD programme at European and
international level, thereby contributing to strengthening and
enhancing the prestige of the institution;
- Investing in the development of the young researcher and
his/her realization on the labor market as a highly
- Maintenance and development of advanced knowledge base by
transferring both existing and by exploring new knowledge,
experience and skills.
The main priority areas set out in the PhD programme in
"International Law and International Relations", aim at upgrading
the already received knowledge in the field, as well as acquisition
and approval of the necessary educational and scientific experience
among the students. These priorities cover scientific and
theoretical accumulation of teaching experience and methodological
skills, language training and training in the field of information
Scientific and theoretical training of PhD students is essential
with regard not only to the scientific significance of their
dissertations, but also their subsequent realization in the
scientific field. The systematic and thorough theoretical training
of PhD students enables them to acquire knowledge and skills
necessary to perform original works in a relevant scientific
problem and themes.
Directly related to the scientific and theoretical training of
PhD students is the accumulation of teaching experience and
methodological skills. The process of preparation of PhD students
in this priority area starts from the second year of their training
and includes conducting seminars with students majoring in "Law",
"Public Administration", "International Relations" and "European
Studies". This is possible only after the PhD students have
completed the necessary preparation of the course in a certain
discipline and have successfully passed the exams set in the
individual plan. Conducting regular meetings of PhD students with
their tutors, consultations with the holders of the various
disciplines involved as a minimum in their individual plans, as
well as visiting specialized seminars and conferences in this area
are the foundation on which any methodological skills and
possibilities are based on.
Good foreign language skills are set as a compulsory requirement
when applying for admission of PhD on "International Law and
International Relations". For a scientific field like public
international law, law of international treaties, diplomatic and
consular law, international relations, a foreign language is a
necessity, especially in the development of a dissertation in order
to research and analyze international experience, the availability
of specialized researches and bibliography, as well as the
traditions and scientific achievements in this field.
The work with PhD students in the Department of "International
Law and International Relations" aims at achieving a complex,
thorough and comprehensive preparation meeting all the criteria for
acquiring educational and scientific degree "doctor".