Methodology of education in mathematics

Modes of study / Info Pack


    This program is in the process of accreditation due to expiration of the previous accreditation.


    The education is performed by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


    The aim of the PhD program is to prepare PhD students for successful research achievements in area of educational research, methodology of education in mathematics, academic teaching, creative research. The PhD students master high academic standards and communication skills. The study gives opportunities for academic and expert carrier.

    The forms of PhD program are: full time, part time and self-preparing.

    Competences of PhD students completed this program:

    • Professional culture and communication skills;
    • Knowledge about theoretical and methodological grounds of educational science.
    • Scientific competences in area of methods and tools for educational research in mathematics at different educational stages.
    • Skills for successful implementation of educational research at regional, national and international level.
    • Skills for interpretation and analysis of scientific hypothesis.
    • Independent teaching and expert activities in area of mathematics.
    • Command foreigner language and ICT skills.
    • Team working skills;


    PhD students' education is based on an individual curriclum and is developed with respect to common curriculum and specific research topics related to the PhD thesis. The individual curriculum includes educational activities, research activities and teaching activities. Educational activities consist of core, elective and optional courses.

    List of courses:

    • Core courses
      1. Methodology and methods of educational research
      2. Foreign language
      3. Development and management of educational and scientific projects
      4. Didactics in mathematics
    • Elective courses - related to PhD thesis field
    • Optional course - every PhD student have a possibility to choose a course from another PhD program.


    • Exams from the Individual Curriculum
    • Defence of PhD Thesis