Territorial Administration

Modes of study / Info Pack


This program is in the process of accreditation due to expiration of the previous accreditation.


The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.


Training of students in degree programs in their specialty "Territorial administration" is to be educated highly qualified specialists for the needs of the public administration in accordance with the administrative reform and our membership in the European Union, and shall apply standards of the leading in the country and abroad senior schools.

The educational content of education and qualification degree of "master" provides knowledge in the areas:  management, law, economics, political sciences.  It is oriented and on the development of skills and capabilities for the identification of problems and analysis of the trends in social processes;  for interaction with the political structures, the public and the media, to work in a team;  for efficient organization and high culture of the administrative service, for the management of change in the public sector, etc.

His graduation program of specialization provide in-depth knowledge and contribute to the development of the skills and capabilities for the development and implementation of strategies in the work of the administrative-territorial units, for the effective management of administrative structures and activities, to make rational and timely management decisions and control the implementation.

A leading requirement in the training of public administration is to build professionals for a broad- spector realization as leaders in the general and the specialized administration at the local, territorial and national level, in the administration of each sphere of public life.  Master's course is aimed at educating of professionals, able to quickly adapt to a change, the dynamics of the market economy and business, to the standards of developed democracies of the European Union as a single administrative space.  The aim is to help the trainees to acquire specific skills and to build in itself for a more in-depth understanding of contemporary problems and approaches to their resolution.  Particular attention is given to the practical application of knowledge and the formation of the skills to deal with difficult and conflicting situations, reflecting the actual complexity of social reality.

After the completion of the training student should know and may:

To know:

•Be aware of the subject and the content public management;  specific characteristics of the local government and administration;

•Be aware of the elements and the structure of the individual legal standards, which establish the rules for the activity of the territorial administration;

•To know a detailed legal basis of the activity of administration and the various legal regimes.

•Be aware of the financial management and control systems in the public sector.

After completion, student should May:

•To analyze and apply to practice their knowledge of departmental management case studies;

•To use modern sources of information and to use them in the practical work.

•To adapt to change, to the development of market economy and the public sector, to the standards of developed democracies of the European Union as a single and an equivalent administrative space.

To be:

•Responsible in their professional activity;

•With attitude for the continuous self-improvement and development in their profession;

•Adaptive to dynamics in the administrative practice and management.

Graduates from training in program "Ter ritorial administration" can be implemented in:

•In the common and the specialized administration at the local, territorial and national levels;

•Officials in the public administration system.

•Main experts and major inspectors, in public administration/central and territorial administration/;

•State experts and state inspectors in the public administration /central and local administration.


  1. The applicants must have obtained a Bachelor degree in Public administration or other major.
  2. The average grade of the semester and state exams of the applicants should be Good 3.50 for the paid form of the training.