The education is performed by Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Neofit Rilski South-West University prepares qualified experts
in Informatics that can apply their knowledge and skills in the
area of science, culture, education, and economics in Bulgaria and
After completion of MSc in Informatics degree in the area of
Information Technologies in Ecology, graduates can successfully
realize themselves as: computer programmers, system and network
administrators and designers, graphic designers, scientists,
experts in databases, experts in software technologies, etc.
At completion of MSc in Informatics degree, students obtain:
- profound knowledge in the area of application of information
technologies in ecology;
- competences to develop and apply theoretical models,
mathematical modeling and computational techniques for simulation
of systems processes in the area of ecology;
- skills for applying information technologies in preservation,
prognostics and management of natural resources and applications in
the area of natural sciences and humanities, as well as development
and execution of projects, financed by various programs of the
European Union;
- interdisciplinary preparation and opportunity for research in
the area of modern ecology, ecological modeling and prognostics of
natural components and human society;
- good theoretical preparation in the area of Mathematics
and Informatics as well as solid practical skills conforming to
modern European standards and requirements;
- formation of affinity and ability for independent research and
- basis for continuing education at PhD level;
- good opportunities for realizing as experts in Bulgaria and
- thinking style and affinity to the quickly changing requirement
of the information society.
Students completed MSc in Informatics degree in the area of
Information Technologies in Ecology have to possess the following
knowledge, skills and competences:
- to conduct independent research, to model real processes and
make computer automation systems for information maintenance;
- to use mathematical models and software packages for solving
real economic, engineering and management problems in continuous
and discrete macrosystems;
- to take part in development of program products and
- to adapt and introduce program products and systems;
- to solve various optimization problems.