The accreditation of this program is until 2024 .
The education is performed by Faculty of Economics.
The master's program "Accounting and Financial
Management" meets the objective of provision of
professionals required by the accounting and information sectors of
the national economy with additional possibility for successful
realization in the public sector (customs and tax
administration, Bulgarian National Audit Office), financial
control, corporate audit, financial audit and supervision (banking
system, insurance, social protection, financial markets, pension
funds, stock and commodity exchanges)
Master's Program Requirements
1. Content
The teaching program aims at guaranteeing national and
international students mobility as well as international
compatibility of students' knowledge and skills.
2. Knowledge
Knowledge acquired under the master's
program "Accounting and Financial Management"
is directed towards deepening of the theoretical level in the field
of specialization, improving comprehension in the field of students
optional specialization, developing knowledge and skills for
independent research, helping creativity and adaptability to the
real world conditions of implementation of theoretical concepts and
practical skills obtained in the process of education..
3. Skills
Students successfully accomplished master's
program "Accounting and Financial Management"
are supposed to have the ability to implement in an integrated
manner specialized theoretical concepts in the field of accounting,
finance and audit, meeting nin the same time all international
state of the art requirements.
4. Competences
Students obtained diploma "Accounting and Financial
Management" are capable of performing organizational,
methodological, managerial, accounting, analytical and other
activities, as well as to prepare financial reports, to complete
judicial and accounting expertise, financial and economic due
diligence, to control financial expenditure in firms and in the
public sector on central and local levels.
Students successfully accomplished their master's
training under "Accounting and Financial
Management" can practice the following professions and
occupy the respective positions according to the National
Classification of Positions in the Republic of Bulgaria 2011:
- 1211 Managers of Financial Activities;- 1213 Internal Audit
Manager; - 1346 Branch Manager of Financial and Insurance
Institution; - 2111 Auditors and Accountants; - 2441 Economists; -
2422 Administrative Policy (Accounting)Specialists/; - 7040
Auditing Office Managers; - 7043 Analysis and Forecasts Managers; -
Strategic Planning; - 7045 Branch Managers of the NIO; - 5056
Project Manager; - 3312 Credit Expert; - 3311 Stock Broker; - 3313
Operative Accountant; - 3314 Applied Statistical expert; - 3315
Real Estate and Casualty Evaluator; - - 3324 Trade Intermediate; -
4311 Accounting Reporter; - - 3321 Insurance Agent; - 3334 Real
Estate and Property Management Agent; - 3341 Office Managers; -
3351 Customs and Border Inspectors; - 3352 Tax and Financial
Control State Administration Employees; - 3353 State Administration
Social Security and Support Inspectors; - 3359 Tax Administration
Applied Specialists; - 4211 Bank Cashiers and Others; - 4214 Deabt
Collectors and Similar; - 4312 Statistical, Financial and Insurance
Documentation Managers;
The Qualification Characteristic of the "Accounting
and Financial Management" master's program is a basic
document, which guides the elaboration of other documents such as
the teaching plans and the teaching programs. It is in full
conformity with the Higher Education Low of the Republic of
Bulgaria, the Regulation about the State's Requirements of
educational and qualification "Master's", "Bachelor" and
"Specialist" degrees acquisition, as well as with the Statuses of
the South-West University "Neofit Rilski".