
Modes of study / Info Pack


The accreditation of this program is until 2025 .


The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.


The curriculum of the speciality includes all the legal compulsory disciplines. Optional disciplines are also included, especially those of them that are important for the profiling of future lawyers, in the area of public and private law and according to the European standards and models. Law students can study any optional discipline included in the curriculum. In conformity with the curriculum, students can study optional disciplines that do not go beyond 350 academic hours.

"Sport" is also included in the curriculum.

During the seminars students solve practical cases of the judicial activity of Bulgarian courts.

The curriculum of "Law" is consistent with the requirements for applying the credit system.

In accordance with the European educational policy and Bologna Declaration, particular attention is paid to the continuing training of Faculty graduates and other law practitioners by different seminars and self-training courses.

Special attention is paid to the compulsory practical training in governmental departments of central and territorial administration and in bodies of local executive authorities, in courts, prosecuting and investigation offices.

Students have an opportunity to study a foreign language during the first year of their training. Priority is given to English, German and French.

After obtaining the obligatory practice period and successfully passing an exam before the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, graduates acquire a lawyer's qualification and can work as: judges, prosecutors, investigators, bailiffs, registration judges, arbitrators and mediators, probation officers, legal consultants, etc.

Graduates of "Law" who have not passed an exam before the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice can work as specialists with higher education in the governmental or municipal administration, in business organizations, etc.