National Security

Modes of study / Info Pack


The accreditation of this program is until 2023 .


The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.


The leading purpose of the program is to provide the students specialized knowledge to work in various management and administrative units in the structure of the sector "security".   This will allow them to be adaptable to a changing environment for security, and to be included in the process of implementation of new forms of interaction between the state, business and non-governmental sector, in order to counteract the risks and threats to national security and guarantee be met for crashworthiness of citizens, and democratic institutions, which are an organic part of the overall effort in the EU and NATO, leading to realising the vision of a single area of freedom, security and justice.

After the completion of the training student should know and may:

  • To know the organization and tasks of the structures, defense security, public order, civil protection, intelligence and counter-intelligence and diplomacy;
  • To know regulations and regulations governing building and the protection of national security;
  • To possess knowledge of information and communication systems to provide the resources for national security in terms of environmental where appropriate;
  • To have specialist knowledge and can apply basic procedures in crisis management of had changed from military nature;
  • Can implement policies of the impact on subsystems of national security, and to carry out control and regulatory functions;

After completion, student should be:

  • Responsible in their professional activity;
  • With attitude for the continuous self-improvement and development in their profession;
  • Adaptive to dynamics in the sector "national security".


  1. The applicants must have obtained a Bachelor degree in Public administration or other major.
  2. The average grade of the semester and state exams of the applicants should be Good 3.50 for the paid form of the training.