European Integration

Modes of study / Info Pack

  • Програмата е акредитирана до следваща акредитация, съгласно чл. 81, ал. 2 от ЗВО.
  • Regular - 2 semesters - Info Pack
  • Regular - 4 semesters - Info Pack




The education is performed by Faculty of Law and History.


In 2009, the BA- and MA degree program in Political Science received an accreditation mark of 3,3 for a six-year period, till 2015.

The European Studies program educates experts in the field of diplomacy, consulship and general foreign policy affairs.

The МА curriculum encompasses a wide range of disciplines, which aim at enriching the students' systematic knowledge and competence on topics of international, juridical, political, historic and economic character.  MA graduates in European studies have excellent opportunities for professional career in state administration as well as in international, political, public and civil organizations and institutions.

The master degree is awarded after passing a theoretical state examination and defending a thesis paper. The interdisciplinary character of the discipline provides the graduates with the opportunity to further advance in various areas of public life - in Bulgarian governmental and international institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc.

The MA graduates acquire competence and practical skills necessary for their professional development in a globalized world as regards:

-          the main concepts related to the globalization and regional tendencies;

-          the main directions set by the theoretical schools if international relations;

-          the main tendencies in the development of the international system in transition;

-          acquiring fundamental knowledge of vital disciplines such as history, political science, law, and economics;

-          acquiring basic knowledge of  some notions related to cultural anthropology;

-          acquiring knowledge and skills in applying the EU's regional policies and strategies;

-          learning how to work in a team in various national and international institutions and NGO's;

-          opportunities of further engaging oneself in other MA programs: international relations, political science, journalism, public relations, etc.

The MA graduates have excellent opportunities for professional career as:

-          experts in foreign policy affairs and counsellors in central state authorities;

-          employees at the Ministry of foreign affairs and its units abroad - embassies, consulates, etc.;

-          experts in analysis  at security and defense offices;

-          researchers at scientific institutes and lecturers at institutions for higher educations;

-          experts and commentators at mass-media's international sections;

-          specialists in the international affairs sectors of the state institutions, non-governmental and public organizations, chambers of commerce, custom-houses, import-export companies as well as in foreign firms with shared partnership;

-          specialists at the international affairs departments of the state institutions;

The International Relations studies is offered by the Law and History Faculty.