Logopedical Management in Voice and Fluency Disorders

Modes of study / Info Pack


This program is in the process of accreditation due to expiration of the previous accreditation.


The education is performed by Faculty of Public health, health care and sport.


Logopedics is developing as higher education specialty at South-West University for more than 20 years. Nowadays this is a well-established specialty within the scientific direction of Public Health, successfully accredited by the NAEA in year 2009 for a period of 6 years.

The Department of Logopedics providing training in the field was opened as an independent one after the separation from Special Education in 2002.

The curriculum structure was developed according to the requirements of IALP (International Association of Logopedists and Phoniatrists) and also meets the standards of CPLOL (Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists).

Training of both undergraduates and graduates is delivered by high-qualified lecturers (professors, assoc. professors, assistant professors with PhD) from the Department and other university units, as well as lecturers from well-known Bulgarian universities. The Department welcomes visiting lecturers from EU universities, US and others.

The high quality of students' training is also due to mean and modern office and therapeutic equipment placed at the Recourse Centre (1995), the University Research Centre in Stuttering (2000), the KayPentax Speech Lab (2007), and the faculty Centre of Logopedics for practice and research (2009).

At the Recourse Centre is opened a specialized library offering a good variety of books and periodic in Logopedics, both Bulgarian and international issues. Modern interactive methods of training are applied, including multimedia, movies, etc. Practice in Logopedics is run at specialized settings, diagnostic and dally centres, and at the faculty Centre of Logopedics.

Professional Qualification:

The Master Programme in Logopedics "Logopedical Management in Voice and Fluency Disorders" is offered to Bachelor's Degree graduates in Logopedics who have received basic training in voice and fluency disorders. After graduation a Master in Logopedics trained in this Programme should be qualified for diagnostics and delivery of high quality speech and language therapy to clients with a variety of voice and fluency disorders: neurogenic voice disorders, psychogenic voice disorders, functional voice disorders, spasmodic and congenital dysphonia, phonic traumas and trauma connected dysphonia, laryngectomy, voice resonance disorders, stuttering, stammering, mixed types, fluency disorders in neurological conditions and genetic syndromes, etc. The graduated in Master of Arts speech therapist should be able to implement his knowledge and practical skills in different type of settings - diagnostic and rehabilitation units, as well as ENT clinics, neurological and rehabilitation centres.