Adapted sports activity and physical exercises

Modes of study / Info Pack

  • One year /1 year/ full-time education - 2 semesters


The accreditation of this program is until 2023 .


The education is performed by Faculty „Public health, health care and sports”.


Master's program provides acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow planning, organizing and conducting of adapted sports activity in one or more sports or physical activities suitable for various age groups. The courses set in the curriculum build precise and specialized training of students, ensuring their career development.

Academic standards of the Master's program

While training under "Adapted sports activity and physical exercises" Master's program, by the end of their studies, students should:

  • have the whole theoretical knowledge related to the nature of the adapted sports activities and physical exercises in order their career development to be ensured;

  • master the technology of the adapted sports activities and physical exercises, theirbasic methods and waysof applying ;

  • be aware ofthe specifics of the various sports and methodology of work with disabled people and ones with intellectual failure;

  • acquire the rules and standards of professional ethics and be able to cater disabled people as well as once with intellectual failure ;

  • improve and enrich their foreign language competence;

  • have skills for developing of programs related to adapted sports activities and physical exercises, in accordance to the different categories and types of disabilities;

  • form their own ability for self-improvement of the acquired knowledge and skills and their précised application in a real working environment.

  • maintain good physical abilities and coordination training for active participation in various sports or physical activities.

These requirements are implemented through sufficient knowledge of fundamental, specialized as well as methodical and practical nature, which include:

  • knowledge, forming the necessary broad theoretical foundation in the field of the adapted sports activity and physical exercises and managing their quality; basic principles of their realization, diversity of adapted sports programs and methods, means and formats for their applying;

  • methodical and practicalknowledge and skills necessary for various types of sports as an essential component of adapted sports activity and physical exercises;

  • broad knowledge in the field of sports and adapted sports activities regarding: psychology of the personality and specifics of the disabled people; ethics; marketing and human resource management; material and technical facilities, administration and control;

  • specialized knowledge, which should be acquired during the practical training, necessary for the development of various types of adapted programs for all age groups of disabled people as well as ones withintellectual failure .

Career development

Professionals with master's degree in adapted sports activities and physical exerciseswill have the necessary professional competence to participate in preliminary studies concerningthe orientation and motivation of those who want to deal with sports for disabled people as well as to perform diagnostic procedures and practical implementation of adaptedprograms according to the type of disability and age specifics. They will operate in close interaction with the heads of sports clubs and organizations, managers, representatives of companies dealing withspecialized equipment and also with some socialcare institutions.

After getting their Master's degree in"Adapted sports activities and physical exercises" the young professionals will make their career as Methodists and coaches in adapted sports activities and physical exercisesin departments, clubs and community organizations, as well as in the system of training, rehabilitation and recreational centers. "Adapted sports activities and physical exercises"is included in the list of professions for vocational educationand training.

Purpose of the Master's in "Adapted sports activities and physical exercises "

The Master's degree program in"Adapted sports activities and physical exercises"

issuitable and developed for bachelors in the following professional fields:

7.6. Sports;

7.4. Public Health - specialty " Kinesitherapy";


1.3. Pedagogy of …- specialtie s "Pedagogy of physical education" and "Physical education and sports" .

Duration of the trainingin the "Adpted sports activities and physical exercises "

One year /1 year/ - 2 semesters - full-time education