General Information

Lecturers are being exchanged within the Erasmus+ program on the basis of bilateral agreements between South-West University "Neofit Rilski" and higher education institutions from EU, EEA and Turkey.

Eligible participants in the teaching staff mobility are all lecturers at South-West University "Neofit Rilski" who have acquired a PhD degree and who meet the following criteria.

The duration of the teaching staff mobility is at least 2 days (without the traveling days).

For the teaching period lecturers are given financial support.

Application criteria

  • Lecturers should have sufficient knowledge in a foreign language
  • Lecturers should be working in SWU and should have a PhD degree

Selection procedure

Lecturers apply for teaching staff mobility to the Erasmus faculty committee by providing a teaching program, a CV and an application form.

Documents needed for receiving an Erasmus+ financial support

  • Selection Minutes
  • ID copy
  • Teaching program approved by SWU and the receiving institution
  • Confirmation letter (from the receiving institution)
  • Individual contract for financial support
  • Declaration under Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data

Documents needed for reporting an Erasmus+ financial support

  • Certificate of teaching period
  • Travel order
  • Transportation documents (flight tickets, bus tickets etc.)
  • Report
Last modified: 2016-01-19