The team of the Center for New Media and Digital Culture at SWU "N. Rilski" led by Assoc. prof. Dr. Tatiana Shopova conducted a survey during February-March 2016  among  130 people - students and PhD students, of which - 74,62% female and 25.38% male from different courses and specialties of South-West University. The survey was done by the method of direct individual survey through pre-designed questionnaire including 21 questions. The survey was focused on the level of information (library) literacy among students at the University and on their needs for using scientific information sources in the University Library. The data from the study was presented by Tatiana Shopova at the International Scientific Conference "Culture-memory-identity", held on May 11, 2016 at Blagoevgrad.

2014 - Study of students` attitudes and skills of using the Internet and new technologies. The study was conducted in May-September 2014 among 100 students, of which 67 men and 33 women from various fields of South-West University "N. Rilski "- Blagoevgrad, Sofia University" St. Kliment Ohridski ", Technical University - Sofia" and University of World Economy - Sofia. The aim was to establish a) the level of utilization of the skills needed to work in the World Wide Web, which is associated mainly with the use of browsers and hyperlinks;

2013 - Study of digital competence among students from elementary courses and their motivation for its improvement. The survey was conducted in September 2013 among 60 students from 1 and 2 courses of the specialties "Cultural Studies", "Culture and Media" and "Philosophy" in South-West University. The objective of the empirical study was to determine: a) the extent of the use of information technology by students in their learning, b) the level of utilization of digital competence of students in humanities c) motivation of students to raise the level of their digital literacy and d) outlining the possibilities and ways to improve this literacy in the university. It was important to understand the attitude of students towards the use of digital technologies for effective searching, finding, critical evaluating and presentation of relevant information from various internet sources.

2012 - Study of digital literacy among students of the South- West University.

It had to respond to the need to support and motivate students towards developing, improving and enriching the range of their digital skills and abilities to use the great potential of information and communication technologies. The aim of the study was to pay special attention to the crucial role of digital literacy in university education area and assess the degree of knowledge, skills and attitudes of students to use ICT in the learning process. The survey was conducted under direct individual surveys as through pre-designed questionnaire covered 100 students from different disciplines of SWU.

Last modified: 2017-01-31