Theory and criticism of choreographic art

Modes of study / Info Pack


This program is in the process of accreditation due to expiration of the previous accreditation.


The education is performed by Faculty of Arts.


Graduates of the Master's program "Theory and Criticism of choreographic art" are prepared to work in the field of theory and criticism of dance. They have built competencies related to:
• mastering the achievements in contemporary theory and criticism in the field of choreographic art;
• professional skills to create a scientific and educational literature;
• skills in operational criticism - critical analysis of choreographic work, portraits and evaluation activities of choreographers
• Skills for the processing of literary work in the libretto, the scenario plan
• Text design of choreographic proiezvedenie

Has acquired degree "Master" with professional qualification "choreographer - choreology" can be implemented as:
• Expert in Dance;
• Project manager associated with choreography and dance culture;
• Lecturer in Dance in different departments and levels of the educational system in Bulgaria;
• Author of scientific and educational literature;
• supervisory, managerial and administrative positions in education and culture