Intercultural Education

Modes of study / Info Pack

  • Regular 2 - 2 semesters


The accreditation of this program is until 2025 .


The education is performed by Faculty of Pedagogy.


The preparation of the specialist aims at building new type of teachers who work in the conditions of post-modernity issuing the hew paradigms in the philosophy of the education in multi-culture. The education in Master's programme ensures the acquiring of pedagogical and also of intercultural competencies which allow the teacher to be more effective in cultures, different from his own. More precisely they are:

  • § Ability to make easier the education in the cognitive, emotional and behavioral field among students from different ethno-cultures;
  • § Knowledge about the inter-culture - essence, cultural misunderstanding and conflicts, factors for effective inter-cultural interactions; models for evaluation of the needs of the students, the problems of the differences;
  • § Wide set of lecture strategies for work with students and parents from the minorities;
  • § Knowledge about the ethno-cultural specifics and the cultural identity of the students;
  • § Possibilities and skills for analysis and adaptation of different programmes and study documentation in the work in inter-cultural environment; Without variation of the basic principles to change the contents and especially the methods and the instruments of education;
  • § Attitudes to: sensibilities towards the "other" and the "other culture", tolerance to ambiguity which is higher in the multi-cultural groups; maintenance of personal identity, patience; interpersonal communication, interest in the students and their culture; openness to their problems and openness to the "other" culture.

The curriculum and syllabi are developed according to the requirements of the higher education policies in Bulgaria.

The study lasts 2 (two) semesters. The curriculum provides 675 academic hours and 60 ECTS CR. The ECTS credits are divided equally in the two semesters according to the State requirements (article 44а of the Law for change and complement of the Law for higher education - State Journal, vol. 48/04.06.2004 and Regulation № 21 from 30.09.2004 for application of system for credit transfer in higher educational institutions - State Journal, vol. 89/12.10.2004).

The programme structure provides compulsory, elective and facultative courses.

The compulsory courses guarantee the acquirement of intercultural competencies which allow the teacher to be more effective in work in cultural diversity environment.

The elective courses ensure enlargement and building the theoretical and special preparation in the specialty by acquiring specific knowledge and competencies.

The facultative courses enable students to acquire new skills and knowledge of their interest that are not a part of the curriculum.

Students are to graduate after they successfully pass their final exam or defend their master thesis. For that final part of the master's programme they gain 10 ECTS CR (article 10 of Regulation № 21 from 30.09.2004).

The curricula contents, the programme structure, ECTS, the quality of education and the qualification gained enable students to be competitive on the labor market as special education specialists or resource teachers or to continue their education in Bulgaria or abroad.

The students who have successfully finished the education in Master's inter-cultural programme get the professional qualification "Master-pedagogue in inter-cultural education". They can work as experts in inter-cultural education, teachers at schools for students without parents and at schools for students with mixed ethno-culture.

Graduate Master's students have future possibility:

  • to specialize in different forms of continuing education and lifelong learning;
  • to proceed with their education in Ph.D degree.