Internet, new media and culture

Modes of study / Info Pack


The accreditation of this program is until 2025 .


The education is performed by Faculty of Arts.


Experts with the degree "Master" in "Internet, new media and culture" prepare for:

- Independent research in the field of new media and digital cultural space;

- Professional artistic and creative activity related to new manifestations of the arts in the digital environment;

- Self discovery, analysis and research of cultural phenomena through creative rethinking of the acquired information in cyberspace;

- Interpretation and empirical study of the socio-cultural layers in the new information environment;

- Work on the Internet and other new communication tools creation and presentation of scholarly content;

- Expert and consultant in the field of Internet and other new communication tools, which are manifestations of the web;

- Leadership and management in the field of entrepreneurial business, e-marketing.

The graduates of master's program "Internet, new media and culture" acquire skills for:

- Critical thinking and creativity in the new media environment;

- Multifaceted approaches to cultural phenomena and problems and plan alternative ways of solving them;

- Adequate self-esteem and optimal self-regulation of their behavior in the interpersonal relationships and teamwork;

- Critical attitudes toward the social, economic, cultural, educational and ethical issues that define the lives of virtual communities;

- Analysis of expression of photography and other visual arts - composition, light, color, and skills in implementing their own photographic photographic work;

- Animation of monuments of cultural heritage and their active involvement as sites for cultural tourism;

- Using the latest information and communication technologies in public communication;

- Use of language HTML, DHTML, CSS and creating websites.

The obtained the professional qualification of "Internet, new media and culture" have  developed competencies in:

a) orientation in the modern problems of information society and Internet culture;

b) successful participation in critical debates about new media and information technologies;

c) application of practical knowledge and skills mastered in various areas of socialization and creativity in the new communications environment;

d) adaptability in accordance with the dynamics of changes in the professional realization of cultural studies;

e) creative application of modern ideas and trends in Internet communication and mediakulturata;

f) permanent self-education and improvement of professional training;

g) professional work in the field of internet and new media culture;

h) organizing and managing an entrepreneurial business, the application of entrepreneurial approaches and strategies in the online environment.


Professional development of graduates

Graduates "Cultural Studies" in degree "Master" and the professional qualification of "Internet, new media and culture" is implemented as:

a) Experts  in the field of new media culture;

b) Sociologists and psychologists in the field of Internet communication and mediakulturata;

c) Researchers in the field of virtual culture and information society;

d) Bloggers, online editors, reporters;

e) Specialists  in the field of e-marketing and interactive advertising;

f) Analysts, content providers and others professionals associated with networking;

g) Professionals working in the field of e-tourism and cultural heritage institutions;

h) Teachers in virtual education courses and Internet communication;

j) Specialists in the field of the digital photography, photographic advertising scientific and applied photography and more;

k) Graphic designers;

l) Specialists in online creative and media industries.