Accredited Professional Fields
Professional field Degree Rating Valid until
1.1. Educational Theory and Management Master 5.93 7/16/2022
1.2 Pedagogy Bachelor, Master 9.14 7/16/2025
1.3. Pedagogy of teaching (specified school subject) Bachelor, Master 9.31 7/6/2026
2.1. Philology Bachelor, Master 9.23 6/19/2025
2.2. History and Archeology Bachelor, Master 9.24 6/19/2025
2.3. Philosophy Bachelor, Master 9.40 6/27/2024
3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Science Bachelor, Master 8.75 10/14/2025
3.2. Psychology Bachelor, Master 8.78 9/30/2025
3.3. Political Sciences Bachelor, Master 8.96 until the next acrediation
3.4 Social Work Bachelor, Master 9.26 7/16/2024
3.5. Public communications and Information Sciences Bachelor, Master 9.13 11/29/2023
3.6. Law

Law - majors from the regulated professions Master 9.13 11/7/2025
3.7 Administration and Management Bachelor, Master 8.33 until the next acrediation
3.8 Economics Bachelor, Master 8.49 1/16/2024
3.9 Tourism Bachelor, Master 9.14 12/11/2025
4.1 Physics Bachelor, Master 8.54 5/13/2024
4.2 Chemistry Bachelor, Master 9.28 6/24/2025
4.4 Earth Sciences Bachelor, Master 9.08 7/15/2025
4.5. Mathematics Bachelor, Master 9.10 12/27/2022
4.6 Computer Science Bachelor, Master 9.01 until the next acrediation
5.1 Mechanical Engineering Bachelor, Master 8.68 28.04.2022
5.2. Electrical Sciences, Electronics and Automation Bachelor, Master 9.04 5/5/2023
5.3. Communications and Computer Engineering Bachelor, Master 9.08 4/27/2023
7.4. Public Health Bachelor, Master 9.20 until the next acrediation
Physiotherapy Bachelor 7.68 6/21/2023
Physiotherapy Master positively evaluated project until the next acrediation
Health care management Master positively evaluated project until the next acrediation
7.5. Health Care

Midwifery - majors from the regulated professions Bachelor 8.64 12/21/2022
Nursing care - majors from the regulated professions Bachelor 8.62 12/21/2022
7.6 Sport Bachelor, Master 8.95 11/20/2023
8.2 Fine Art Bachelor, Master 8.67 10/23/2024
8.3 Musical and Dancing Arts Bachelor, Master 9.31 until the next acrediation
8.4 Theatre and Film Art Bachelor, Master 9.00 7/17/2025
9.1. National Security Bachelor, Master 9.09 7/5/2023
Last modified: 2021-11-10