For citizens of countries with which Republic of Bulgaria has Visa regulations the original documents should be submitted to the "Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students Department" of the Ministry of Education and Science with a cover letter, which contains:

  • The name of the applicant as per the International Passport (in Latin characters)
  • Date and place of birth
  • Title of the study programme
  • Educational and qualification degree and type of study
  • Duration of study
  • Enrollment deadline
  • Duration of the language preparatory course (or specialized training if needed)
  • Annual tuition fee in USD for the respective study programme
  • The bank account to which the applicant should transfer the first semester tuition fee

When the applicant's documents comply with the requirements and have been submitted before the deadline, the Department for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students at the Ministry of Education and Science notifies the Visa Office at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Department also issues a certificate which has to be attached to the visa application.

Last modified: 2014-01-30